Emmanuel presents blogs sponsored by the College, academic departments, faculty and staff. Visit Emmanuel’s network of blogs covering a variety of subjects, and interact with the College’s top thought-leaders.
- Research Alumni Gathering 2022!Dr. Gerdon and the current research group would like to say a huge thank you to all of the alumni who came out on Monday. We are inspired by the great things that you're all achieving in science and in life. It is so rewarding to have the chance to ... read more
- Alumni Updates!This summer it has been great to reconnect with GRAB Lab alumni and to hear about amazing work that's happening all over the country. Soon we will get to gather to share old and new stories in person, but here are a few updates from those unable to make it ... read more
- Welcome Camilla to the Research Group!We are very excited to have Camilla Alexius-Chin, an amazing high school chemistry teacher in the Boston Public School System, join the GRAB Lab this summer. Camilla is joining our National Science Foundation (NSF) funded project on DNA and nanoparticle assemblies as biomimetic templates for calcium phosphate mineralization. She is ... read more
- Meet the Group – now on Tik Tok!Thanks to the pioneering spirit of GRAB Lab researcher Kristy Ta, we are moving into the age of video communication! I know, we're probably a bit behind the game on this, but Kristy deserves a huge thanks for bringing this great idea forward. Now we're expanding our social media presence ... read more
- Julia Japo ’22 – Temperature under ControlJulia has made a lot of progress this summer in terms of her mineralization experiments! She has even made her own oven/water bath for these experiments to control the temperature in the QCM (quartz crystal microbalance)! She is having a blast working on this project, getting to know the other ... read more
- Kristy Ta ’24 – Experience of Summer ResearchKristy is having the best time in GRAB Lab for summer research - from starting 7-day mineralization experiments, to starting side projects as Chem Club President, and building the team’s social media presence! She has learned that sometimes experiments don’t go as planned but there’s no shame in restarting and ... read more
- Hailey Young ’24 – Lots of gel electrophoresisHailey is very excited to be doing her first summer of research with the GRAB lab and can’t wait to see what she accomplishes! Her plans for the summer involve assembling DNA origami rectangles for use in mineralization. (And she will be doing a lot of gel electrophoresis in the ... read more
- Bocciare(fonte: Alessandro D’Avenia, clicca qui: Corriere) La valutazione oggettiva è stata introdotta nella scuola proprio per evitare il giudizio soggettivo e aiutare lo studente a migliorarsi. Misurare è giusto, e serve a capire dove l’allievo ha bisogno di supporto; giudicare, non l’operato ma la persona, invece è controproducente: non ... read more
- Salute: il conto di oltre due anni di Covid(fonte: Nicola Barone, Sole24ore) Sovrappeso, consumo di alcol, meno visite e interventi. […]. Presentato il nuovo rapporto dell’Osservatorio Nazionale sulla Salute nelle Regioni Italiane nell’ambito di Vihtaly, spin-off dell’Università Cattolica Questo articolo si può ascoltare in versione audio.Meno visite di controllo, a danno soprattutto delle cronicità, e meno visite ... read more
- An Infamous Summer Group Picture!It is wonderful to be back in the lab this summer working hard at experimental design, good lab technique, data analysis, and scientific communication. As Dr. Gerdon insists, the students are immersed in research, marinating their mind and stewing their thoughts in that next experiment. Our best ideas come when ... read more
- Ryan McCann ’23 – Glutathione NanoparticlesRyan is excited for his first summer of research and plans on continuing research into gold nanoparticles and their effectiveness as biomimetic mineralization template. He is currently focusing on glutathione nanoparticle's, working to attach PEG, DNA linkers and aptamers to the surface to prepare for mineralization experiments. Although research has ... read more
- Design outdoor(fonte: Elena Loewenthal, Sole 24Ore) “Il Signore piantò un giardino vi pose l’uomo: fece spuntare dal suolo ogni sorta di alberi piacevoli all’aspetto e buoni da mangiare, con l’albero della vita in mezzo al giardino e l’albero della conoscenza del bene e del male”. Con queste parole il libro ... read more
- Non potete più ignorare i Me contro Te(fonte: Marta Impedovo, Il Post) Tra le novità dell’estate sul cartellone dei gelati per bambini di Sammontana, c’è un prodotto ispirato a un immaginario che non è quello dei cartoni animati: sono i biscotti-gelato dei “Me contro Te”, una coppia di youtuber che fa video di sfide e giochi ... read more
- Il diritto alla disconnessione(fonte: Il Post) Tra gli effetti indiretti delle restrizioni introdotte durante le fasi iniziali della pandemia, uno dei più evidenti fu l’accresciuta familiarità di molte persone con l’esperienza del lavoro da casa. Lo stravolgimento delle routine di milioni di lavoratori e lavoratrici in tutto il mondo favorì, tra le ... read more
- Julia Japo ’22 – Second Year of Summer Research!Julia is excited for her second year of summer research! She plans on continuing her research with her favorite instrument, the Quartz Crystal Microbalance. This summer has already started off with a lot of experiments and Data!!!! It has been fun working with the new research members and learning about ... read more