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Gerdon Lab

  • Untrappable! Research Summer 2024
    This group of research students is undaunted, unphased, and untrappable - either by Boston escape rooms or by tricky experiments. Together as a team, we conquered the evil witch and conquered unruly experiments. Juan, Marissa, Dennis, and Georgia did amazing work in the lab this summer, collected a huge amount ... read more
    Source: Gerdon LabPublished on 2024-07-31
  • Georgia Kazis ’27 – Loving Research! (and more atomic forces)
    Georgia has been loving research! Her first summer has been going by really fast, but she has made some good progress. She has been imaging with AFM (atomic force microscopy) a lot and the instrument seems to like her more these past few days. She has also been working on ... read more
    Source: Gerdon LabPublished on 2024-07-25
  • Juan Alejandro ’25 – Feeling Atomic Forces
    Summer research is almost done (even though it feels like it just started)! Juan is currently conducting his last experiments of the summer, working on his distinction in the field proposal, and the state of the project write-up. This summer has been so busy, and much has been done!  Atomic ... read more
    Source: Gerdon LabPublished on 2024-07-25
  • Marissa Diplacido ’25 – Counting Ligands
    A new part of Marissa’s research involves using a liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry (LC-MS) instrument. Not only is she looking for the detection of her ligands at concentrations in the micromolar range, but also for the concentration of them within her samples. As the summer progresses, she has been trying to ... read more
    Source: Gerdon LabPublished on 2024-07-16
  • Dennis Nguyen ’25 – Fighting through T and traffic for research!
    After a chaotic spring semester, Dennis is excited to join GRAB Lab as a part-timer! This will be his first (and last) summer in the lab, and it is already half-way done. He will be carrying on Donalissa’s work with nanoparticles and DNA aptamers. The progress was overall smooth sailing, ... read more
    Source: Gerdon LabPublished on 2024-06-26
  • Georgia Kazis ’27 – Surreal Summer
    Georgia has just joined the GRAB Lab as a rising sophomore! Research this summer has been amazing for her, and it is so surreal that she gets this opportunity to learn and grow! She has taken over the DNA Origami project from the wonderful Hailey Young, and it has overall ... read more
    Source: Gerdon LabPublished on 2024-06-24
  • Juan Alejandro ’25 – All the QCM Instruments
    Summer research has finally begun and is already almost halfway done! Juan’s time with the GRAB Lab is coming to an end soon, and this will be his last summer of research at Emmanuel College. Although there have been some small set-backs (which involved switching to a different QCM instrument), ... read more
    Source: Gerdon LabPublished on 2024-06-13
  • Marissa Diplacido ’25 – Welcome back to research!
    Marissa is excited to be back in Boston working on her research with gold nanoparticles. Now that the stressful spring semester has concluded, she can now place her full attention on her research. She has started work in developing new methods to characterize her nanoparticles, particularly in agarose gel electrophoresis ... read more
    Source: Gerdon LabPublished on 2024-06-07
  • Welcome to Research – Summer 2024!
    Undergraduate researchers in the Department of Chemistry & Physics gathered on Friday to celebrate the start of the summer with fantastic Thai food, tasty burgers, and gigantic paper airplanes. It's harder than it looks to make a good paper airplane out of an old research poster, but still a ton ... read more
    Source: Gerdon LabPublished on 2024-05-29
  • Congratulations GRAB Lab Grads of 2024!
    Saturday, May 18th brought a beautiful and celebratory commencement exercise to campus at Emmanuel College! It also brought to an end a wonderful and productive research experience for these four amazing GRAB Lab seniors. Congrats to Donalissa, Kristy, Sydney, and Hailey! You brought tremendous enthusiasm for chemistry, nanoparticles, collagen, origami, ... read more
    Source: Gerdon LabPublished on 2024-05-29
  • Juan Alejandro ’25 – Say Less
    With the semester coming to an end, Juan gets ready for a summer full of research! Although many current GRAB Lab members will be graduating and missed, the research must go on! There are many plans for the summer. Currently, experimental methods on decreasing the amount of collagen on the ... read more
    Source: Gerdon LabPublished on 2024-05-14
  • Marissa Diplacido ’25 – Taking Inspiration
    As the semester is wrapping up, Marissa is looking forward to new experiments to be conducted over the summer. As the place experiments are progressing and seem to be working, there are new ideas on how to characterize these nanoparticles. After discussing with several people during the ACS Conference, she ... read more
    Source: Gerdon LabPublished on 2024-05-14
  • Publication! Congrats to Kassidy, Kristy, Amanda, and Marielle!
    Congratulations to the whole group and particularly to Kassidy, Kristy, Amanda, and Marielle on their new publication, "Equilibrium interactions of biomimetic DNA aptamers produce intrafibrillar calcium phosphate mineralization of collagen" in Acta Biomaterialia! This has been a work in progress for a long while and is our first foray into ... read more
    Source: Gerdon LabPublished on 2024-04-07
  • Sydney Marshall ’24 – Spring Cleaning!
    With spring in the air and the end of the semester right around the corner, Sydney has been reminiscing about her work in synthesizing fluorescent solid-lipid nanoparticles. As she condenses and packs up her past experiments, she has been looking back at all the skills that GRAB lab has taught ... read more
    Source: Gerdon LabPublished on 2024-04-07
  • ACS 2024 – Sharing our research!
    The entire group did an amazing job sharing our work with the chemistry research community at the American Chemical Society conference in New Orleans! We contributed to our chemistry community, learned a lot from other researchers, and were a little overwhelmed by hanging with so many chemists at the same ... read more
    Source: Gerdon LabPublished on 2024-03-19