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Chemistry and Physics

  • An Amazing Semester Awaits!
    It's hard to say good-bye to summer, but easy to get excited for a new year of chemistry! Welcome back to our new Seniors, Juniors, and Sophomores in the department. Whether you're finishing up that capstone experience, delving into upper level classes, or still considering what that major or minor ... read more
    Source: Chemistry and PhysicsPublished on 2024-09-06
  • Chris Connelly’15 Visits Analytical Chemistry Students
    Thank you to Chris Connelly '15 for donating his time and expertise in meeting with students in the Analytical Chemistry class at Emmanuel College yesterday! Chris has a lot of experience and insight on how to get started in the biotech and big pharma industry in Boston. He also shared ... read more
    Source: Chemistry and PhysicsPublished on 2021-04-15
  • New Course in the Chemistry of Brewing!
    The department is excited to announce a new course being offered in Fall 2021 called the Chemistry of Brewing. Students will have the opportunity to learn about the impressive amount of chemistry that goes into the process of brewing - from water chemistry to sugars to yeast biochemistry there's a ... read more
    Source: Chemistry and PhysicsPublished on 2021-03-22
  • Dr. Carley Henderson Promoted to Senior Lecturer
    The Department is excited to congratulate Dr. Carley Henderson on her recent promotion to Senior Lecturer. Dr. Henderson has been teaching at Emmanuel College since 2013 and has brought so much to the development of the organic chemistry lecture and lab over the years. She has worked with students on ... read more
    Source: Chemistry and PhysicsPublished on 2021-01-25
  • Social Justice and Chemistry
    A new course was offered last Spring 2020 in the Department of Chemistry and Physics called Seminar in Chemistry. Variations on this course have been taught in the past in our department - the focus on ethics, scientific writing, and the application of chemistry is so essential to our major ... read more
    Source: Chemistry and PhysicsPublished on 2020-11-20
  • Welcome to New Faculty!
    The Department of Chemistry and Physics would like to send a very happy welcome to new members of our department, Lecturer Dr. Jessica Bocanegra and Visiting Assistant Professor Dr. Juan Duchimaza Heredia! We are excited for all that they bring to our department and to Emmanuel College. Please join us ... read more
    Source: Chemistry and PhysicsPublished on 2020-08-11
  • Congratulations to Darren Cornell ’16!
    The Department of Chemistry and Physics, especially the lab managers, faculty, student workers, and IAs, would like to say a sad farewell and a hearty congratulations to Darren Cornell! Darren has been the Assistant Lab Manager in our department for almost four years and has kept us all going strong ... read more
    Source: Chemistry and PhysicsPublished on 2020-07-22
  • Congratulations to Dr. Faina Ryvkin!
    The Department of Chemistry and Physics faculty, students, and alumni would like to express sincere congratulations and thanks to Dr. Faina Ryvkin. Dr. Ryvkin has concluded 20 years of teaching, service, and leadership in the department and at Emmanuel College. Her dedication to her students and to physical chemistry has ... read more
    Source: Chemistry and PhysicsPublished on 2020-07-14
  • Chemistry in a Virtual World
    Following Spring Break, in March 2020, the Emmanuel College Department of Chemistry and Physics joined the world in online education. We excelled in reaching and educating students in ways that many other institutions could not match. We had our challenges, but also successes and outcomes that were uniquely Emmanuel. What ... read more
    Source: Chemistry and PhysicsPublished on 2020-05-26
  • Congratulations Chemistry Class of 2020!
    The Department of Chemistry and Physics students, staff, and faculty gathered on Friday May 15th to honor and celebrate our graduating seniors. You have all been such an important part of our community for the past four years. You've done amazing work and we can't wait to see what comes ... read more
    Source: Chemistry and PhysicsPublished on 2020-05-19
  • Alumni Offer Advice to Seminar Students
    The chemistry majors in Seminar this semester have been getting a taste of "what comes next" in their pursuit of chemistry and a career. A fantastic presentation by the Emmanuel College Career Center kicked things off and was followed in February by a series of presentations by the students on ... read more
    Source: Chemistry and PhysicsPublished on 2020-04-22
  • Department Donates to LMA Hospitals
    We in the Department of Chemistry and Physics are proud to do our part in helping our neighbors in the Longwood Medical Area! It has been nearly month since supplies from our labs were picked up and delivered to LMA hospitals, including gloves, masks, scrubs, cleaning products and more. Thank ... read more
    Source: Chemistry and PhysicsPublished on 2020-04-21
  • Publication! Undergraduate students publish in analytical chemistry journal
    Congratulations to undergraduate students, chemistry alumni, and Dr. Aren Gerdon on their recent article published in Analytica Chimica Acta titled "Selected DNA aptamers as hydroxyapatite affinity reagents". This work has been a long time in the making beginning with the origins of our SELEX work by Hillary Butts and Samantha ... read more
    Source: Chemistry and PhysicsPublished on 2020-04-04
  • Chemistry Course Highlights
    What do chemistry courses in the department look like this semester? Have you ever been interested in studying chemistry’s affect in nature and living organisms, or chemical reactions and inorganic compounds like salts and metals? Emmanuel chemistry students are pursing these ideas in two two upper level chemistry courses this ... read more
    Source: Chemistry and PhysicsPublished on 2020-03-02
  • Happy Valentine’s Day!
    Happy Valentine's Day from all of your favorite chemists and physicists at Emmanuel College. Learn some chemistry, show your support, and keep learning more chemistry! The post Happy Valentine’s Day! appeared first on Chemistry & Physics. ... read more
    Source: Chemistry and PhysicsPublished on 2020-02-14